
ย We are working on leaving food on the ground. Gala did great with her leave it games. When we were out in public she responded very well to a “leave it” if I saw the food on the ground first, but she would try to get it if she saw it before me. Gala has had lots of fun this month. She started swimming after watching my older lab swim. Gala has visited playgrounds and tried walking on the different surfaces. She has been off-leash walking and had lots of play time with other dogs of all breeds and sizes. Gala has been in numerous public spaces and been awesome in all of them. She also got to play with young children. Gala LOVES to play and have fun as much as possible. She seeks me out to play too. She is also super cuddly when she is tired and wants to stay close by her person as much as possible. Gala left on her new adventure for Pennsylvania on July 21st. She is a fantastic puppy…they are lucky to have her.

Submitted By: Michelle Vally