Goose continued discovering new off leash areas around the Lower Mainland. The latest one is Everett Crowley Park, where he has met many happy companions. In the park, he practised being off leash on the wide paths, and having to be on leash on narrow, leash-only trails. He and his friend, PADS Norquay followed the rules of the park and stayed 6 feet apart for the photos! Goose met PADS Angel in early June and enjoyed a couple of hours with her. Goose came to a Covid vaccination clinic and sat quietly outside, watching people line up, while his humans got jabbed. Since the heat began, Goose has spent some mornings practising his down at the mall. He walks to our local park in the late evenings for quick short play dates with his friends. Goose enjoys going up and down stairs of different sizes and textures. He is learning to respond better to leash pressure, Sit, Down and Heel.
Submitted by: Tharini and Tanvi