Rix Gwynn Aug1Rix Gwynn Aug2

Rix Gwynn Aug3

Best buddies say goodbye.

Gwynn (12 months) and Rix (20 Months) spent the summer together in Enderby, BC.

They became the best of buds and both looked forward to seeing each other every day for their play dates. They were hard working puppies-in-training each night, covering lots of ground and meeting and greeting lots of people. Their favourite “spot” was on the golf cart zooming around the drive-in.

On September 1st, Rix went to new sitters in Vancouver as he awaits his call for advanced training. Gwynn returned to Burnaby as she continues her training back in the big city.

They will miss each other as they both enter new chapters of their training.

Submitted by our fantastic PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Brian Smith