
Harlow SepAll PADS people are really super nice, but I think I hit the human jackpot with my raiser!

First of all, at my raiser’s house, there are kids and another dog, so I get lots of attention. There is always someone to play with, and there are lots of dog toys, too.

My kids are teenagers who love dogs. They love to snuggle and rub my tummy. They also love playing tug-of-war, or hide and seek the dog toy. I fool them sometimes by jumping up unexpectedly and bumping noses. You should see the expression on those guys faces; they are priceless!

My other dog is pretty cool, too. He is twice my size and 6 years old. He lets me know that he is boss in the house, but I can still jump all over him and hang on his cheeks and ears. He growls softly at me as I entice him into a game of doggie jujitsu, and he plays along pretty good. But the neat thing is we go for nice long walks out in the woods, even when the weather is rainy.

My raiser is really sweet. When I get up and stretch myself, she mimics me and we do doggy yoga together. She takes me everywhere and gives me treats all the time. At her work, we live in a cubicle, so I take extra care to be quiet. There seems to be a lot of dog people at her work because we get lots of visitors and lots of pets and attention.

So far I am pretty happy with my job as a service-dog-in-training. With all the attention, treats and loving I get, I think I am a pretty lucky dog.

Submitted by awesome PADS puppy, Harlow, with help from her fabulous PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Kris Papps.