Hebron is very good with Loose Leash Walking and “It’s your choice”. He has an excellent memory and learns really quickly. I am particularly impressed with his diligence on going up and down stairs – 8 times out of 10 he takes them slowly, one at a time. He is still trying to learn “touch” and “collar cues” – at this point they aren’t his best skills. This month he has gone to a Superbowl party and he had outings with 2 pup-sitters (he went to Church one time and to Trout Lake and Commercial drive the other time). He also went to his first music concert, in Vancouver, where he charmed basically every person there and then promptly fell asleep – his snoring could be heard in between songs! Hebron also made a new friend, a stuffed Llama, whom he frequently naps with.
Submitted By: Stacey Boyer