Jubilee is a happy, busy little pup. Apparently, she was the smallest of her litter but has a very big assertive nature. When Jubilee arrived at our house, we had two-year-old PADS pup Zion, who kept Jubilee company for three weeks until Zion went to advanced training. This was a time of chaos, laughs, tug of war, and bitey face. Lots of noise and fun. 

Now that Zion’s gone, Jubilee has the house and the humans to herself. And her training begins in earnest! Jubilee is now learning about how to be polite on a leash and out in public, how to have good house manners, what is supposed to go into her mouth and not (including rocks and human flesh), how to settle in restaurants. 

Jubilee’s favourite toys are stuffies she can try to destroy, weird-shaped kongs, and benebones. She has a very happy nature and is super cuddly. When she’s tired, she sometimes takes herself into her kennel for a nap. She’s well on her way to becoming a perfect service dog for someone who will adore her. 

Submitted by: Anne Vulliamy