Jubilee is a delightful pup. She’s bold, energetic, and sweet. Her morning routine is a lot like a Golden, where she grabs a stuffy and makes weird noises while trying her best to envelop us with cuddles and bumps. Jubilee got to meet her sponsor this month which was a big highlight. At the same time, she met Captain, another PADS pup. Jubilee got lots of her shots done this month and her eye tests and checkups. PADS pups are so well looked after. Jubilee is currently working on walking calmly and attentively on leash, which is tough for a pup who sees the sidewalk as a buffet. She loves the car, her kennel, walks, toys, kids, and food, not necessarily in that order. Jubilee is a pup who loves to learn and play, and the world is opening up for her! 

Submitted by: Anne Vulliamy