Happy New Year!
It’s been another month of adventures, which always includes training. I went with Mom & Dad when they donated blood. I laid down by Mom’s chair, and different people from Canadian Blood Services came to ask about me as well as other donors; I hope I get to go again.
Another raiser friend of mom got a new PADS pup so we met at the mall for a quick training session. The pup’s name is Sesame, he did really well, I wanted to say “open Sesame” when he got fed, lol.
We also met up with my PADS friend Lohn. There was some snow we got to run around in, and that was before the big snowfall. Boy did I have fun in that snow, mom didn’t like it as much cause she had to shovel, and dad happened to be away, good timing on his part. It got pretty cold for a while, mom made sure I was warm so I wore a sweater & booties to keep my paws protected.
Our trainer commented on how much better my loose leash walking is, aka LLW. Mom & dad have been working super hard with me, and did you know it’s one of the hardest skills to teach? Mom said my skills have gotten really good; we practice different ones every day, and there’s lots to learn.
We went for dinner at my fur cousin Berkeley, who I’ve mentioned before, he’s little so when mom said the bed cue, I made myself small on his bed. Everyone laughed at me cause I looked funny and curled up on his bed.
Mom & dad took me to the Vancouver SPCA to get spayed, I thought I was going for a spa day, but boy, was I wrong. Mom took me to a room where there were kennels stacked on kennels and left me there, and I was like, “Mom, why are you leaving me here?” I woke up, and before I knew it, Mom & Dad came to get me, and mom sat in the back with me on the way home and told me I was such a good girl and I’d feel much better tomorrow even though I had to wear a silly blue thing around my head so I wouldn’t lick my stitches. Guess what, she was right. I woke up the next morning and was back to stealing Dad’s socks & slippers.
Since my spay, I’ve been taking it easy, with small walks and lots of training. Mom has been working on my duration sit, down & stand. Soon I’ll be able to have some off-leash time, and I can’t wait.
Till next month, be good like me.
Submitted by: Alison