Hi furrends!
I told you November was going to be exciting cause it started out with my 1st birthday on the 1st! My friend Lohn and her raiser dropped off presents to me, another friend gave me a special benebone and mom & dad gave me a special stuffy whale that was super tough, I also got my first pup cup, and I really liked it.
I had a party with 3 of my siblings at one of the raisers’ house, there were a few other PADS dogs there too. It was a big yard that we ran around in and boy, did we have fun. We got special treats, and I was pretty pooped out after the party.
It’s been another month of training with some PADS friends, which meant more malls, pet stores, coffee shops and dog parks. Mom took me to where she used to work at the RCMP, and we visited with some of her friends there.
We spent some time at the cabin, and my human sister and her dog Berkeley came. We had some nice off-leash walks together, and he even played with me a bit.
Mom & dad met our trainer for a “walk & talk”. I tried to be the bestest girl, and I think I did pretty well. We were going to do a puppy swap with another dog in our class, and it was actually going to be with my sister Cela. Unfortunately, I had something funky going on with my paws so we didn’t swap. Mom took me to the vet, and I have to take pills. Mom gives me pawdicures, she soaks my paws and washes them with special soap, then puts cream on them. I’m also on special food now and get this, no fruits, veggies or treats for 8 weeks, how awful is that!!
I found out what Black Friday in the States is about, although I don’t really get what the big deal is. Mom & dad went to a lot of stores and sometimes they’d take turns staying in the car with me if they were only running in for a few things.
When we got back to the cabin mom took me for a nice relaxing walk and then I had a good nap. Mom & I met another PADS raiser and PADS dog Marsh at LaFarge Lake to see the Christmas lights, and we walked around a couple of times. It was cold out, so I wore my new reindeer sweater. It was a perfect time to go and not too busy, and the lights were so pretty. Mom wants to go again with dad.
At our class on the last day of November, a sitter came with us and took me after class as mom & dad were going away for the weekend to spend time with family in Edmonton, I couldn’t go cause some of them have allergies from my fur. I’ll let you know how it goes with the sitter next pupdate.
Christmas is coming, be good everypawdy.
Submitted by: Alison