I’ve been enjoying the summer weather this month. My raiser took me to Vancouver Island, and then Hornby and Denman for some camping fun, and I found out that I can swim! It was so much fun, and now every time I see water, I want to get back in.
A few days ago, my raiser brought home a two-month-old PADS puppy, Merritt II, to sit for a few weeks – we have been getting along great during the day. Merritt is learning a lot by watching me practice my cues. He is a bit noisy at night. And I’m not too happy about that – and my raiser is getting tired too!
We had a lovely picnic in Tynehead park on the weekend with friends and Merritt. Also, We did a nice hike around the shoreline trail at Rocky Point Park in Port Moody earlier in the month.
I’ve finished off the month with a trip to the PNE with some other PADS dogs for a training session. I was okay with the noise and smells, but the animal barn was really exciting! First time I have seen a water buffalo and cows that close – they were REALLY big! I also liked watching the Clydesdale horses.
Submitted by: Christine