Hello, Pup Fans!

April has been an exciting and interesting month! My hoo-mans have been changing my tug-of-war walks to loose-leash-ish walking, and I think they are learning as much as I am. I have become a brat, and they are loving every minute of it as I get tons more teats to correct my naughtiness.

I am growing lots too. Definitely double in size, and I am also getting my stamina and energy as I just love to run and run and run!

My hoo-mans have moved into a house they have been building, and their living rooms are so large that I think it is the outdoors and go pee in these places. Clearly, I am wrong and am learning the difference again between inside and outside.

I took my first trip to the mountains, and it was very windy and cool, but the mountains we obstructed by my hoo-mans teaching me how to walk properly in public. Eventually, when I started getting the hang of what they would like from me, I saw an amazing view.

I got to take a trip to Aggie Days, where I was very overwhelmed at first with all the people and other PADS doggo friends, but once I relaxed, I got to walk around and meet a cow and horse friend. I also met some really nice small hoo-mans who really wanted to pet me, and I sat nice so as not to scare them. My funny hoo-mans also had me pose as little doggo- bo- peep!

Paws for now! 

Submitted by: Team Mero