May was an adventure month. I got to go camping at a couple of different lakes. They were way up in the cold mountains, and one morning my water bowl was frozen! So I have not gotten to swim yet, but I got to dabble my paws in the water (which made me giddy). We never took our 12-foot aluminum boat off the truck, but I got to practice getting in and out of a similar boat while wearing my life jacket. I was leary of that boat thingy, but mom and dad were very patient with me and will work on it more in the months to come.

I finally got to go golfing … twice now, and ride in the big cart! It is a bit confusing still as mom and dad constantly take turns leaving me and coming back, or I go with them and then come back to the cart. It all seems a bit weird right now, but it is a great opportunity to practice my different duration commands. The second time we golfed, we were with another PADs couple and their dog Sven. That was rather challenging, but I managed to calm myself (or exhaust myself) after the first three holes (Sven is twice my age and pretty cool).

It was just getting really fun in the valley behind my house as the spring runoff was making great big puddles and little streams to explore. However, the wild doggies (coyotes) started having babies and are grumpy, so I am not allowed back there for a while now.

For the first time ever, I got to go inside someone else’s house, which has a dog, after Dr. Bonnie said it was safe to do so. I was told it was such a great learning experience for me and that I was very well behaved. But I was sooo tired as I couldn’t let myself nap being so smitten by three-year-old border collie Sophie. I will be back there again, so hopefully, I can learn to let myself have a few naps and cuddle a bit.

My training, in general, is coming along really well. I love to work and to be engaged! I do get tired of trying hard to focus if there are too many distractions around (mainly other dogs, especially if I am familiar with them). It is getting a little bit easier for me to ignore people even though I still love them, but it’s tough with those little people! I’m very good at waiting to “Go say hi,” but I have to remember that I am not a freight train!

Submitted by: Kristen and Lee