I can’t believe that I have been with my puppy raisers for a year already!! Nov 14th was my anniversary, and I got to drive up into the mountains for a snowy adventure (just like a year ago, but I was really little and was only in the backyard).

I had a photoshoot with my sisters after puppy class one day – Mmmisty and Mmmargo.

I went on a number of lower valley walks. I sported my orange adventure vest while practising my perch and jump-on whenever I came to a rock or a stump.

My awesome puppy sitters took me to Frind Winery – it was on the lake, which made it double awesome!

Not-so awesome was Nov 24th – neuter day. Now I know why everybody sounded so gloomy last month when I excitedly told them about my ‘neuter news.’ However, I was a trooper and enjoyed wearing a variety of contraptions around my neck for a full 2 weeks. I still absolutely love going to the vet to weigh myself.

I am looking forward to many more snowy adventures in the coming months and lazing around by the fire (in between my hardcore training sessions)!

Submitted by: Kristen Lee & Misha