Hi, Mochi here. I don’t have too much to report this month as I’ve been staying with a few different raisers. I’m happy to say I’m back with my sister Sassy but not for long as I’m going to a new raiser soon.
My “auntie Alison, aka “AA,” was sitting her first PADS dog Dory that was released as a V.I.P. (very important pet), and she said 3 dogs were too much, so Sassy went to a sitter for 5 days. Dory is a great dog, but she’s 4 1/2 and didn’t really play like Sassy & I, so I was happy when Sassy came back; of course, Dory had left.
We’ve mostly been going for walks, training, and learning to settle around each other. Our class had a Halloween party. It was fun, and we did bobbing for apples. I didn’t like it and just stared at the bowl. There were some pretty cool costumes. I went as a spider, and “AA” went as a web. Sassy was there with the sitter. We were very good around each other as much as we really wanted to say hi and play.
I did really well on Halloween. The fireworks didn’t bother me at all.
I’m really going to miss my sister, we love each other as you can see in the picture, we formed a heart with our bodies.
I hope to have more to report next month, bye for now.
Submitted by: Alison