I got to go to a birthday party this month for a very special girl. Release PADS dog Peach’s human sister had a PADS themed birthday and Cadence, Trixie and I got to show off our skills. Peach’s people also made a very nice donation to PADS so that we puppies can continue to be awesome!

Around the middle of this month my tall raiser returned home after being away for six weeks. I was very excited to see him but managed to calm down and greet him properly after a little while. Also we had his mother visit us from Sweden for Christmas. We went to the airport to pick her up after her long flight.

I got to go on the big ferry boat again to visit my short raisers family for Christmas in Nanaimo. While there I got to see my cousin Eli who I love to play with; he is 12 years old and super awesome.

I am still working on my dog distraction, I am getting better at not wanting to meet everyone. If there are supper yummy treats for me, I sometimes do not even notice when another dog walks by.

Submitted By: Meredith Areskoug