Here we are at the beginning of a new year, and so far, it hasn’t disappointed. January definitely didn’t shy away from the snow days, so we spent a lot of time around the house practicing on house manners and romping in the snow. Halfway through the month, the snow melted enough to venture away from home, so the hooman and I snuck in some shopping adventures to ease back into public outings after a winter of fun. One of my mentors had a birthday which meant yummy treats. But the highlight of this month was we welcomed a buppy into the house for a couple of weeks while he waited to fly out to one of our other ADI schools. I’ve had many puppy mentors during my time in training so far, so this was my turn to pay it forward and show this little guy the ropes. The hooman was pleasantly surprised with how good I was with him in the house.
The month was capped off with one of the biggest milestones for us doggos in training when I was called to campus for my GDBART assessment. This is where I go and share some things about me with my trainers and tell them perhaps what some of my future goals and work aspirations may be. We look forward to hearing back from our trainers in the coming months as to what secrets I may have shared with them.
Submitted by: Tiff Spenard