Well, well, well, what fun we had in March. It’s definitely beginning to look like spring is here. With that, it meant getting outside more to practice some of my basic obedience. Apparently, not eating food off the floor at home applies in other places. This skill was put to the test when the hooman and I visited the grocery store and even more so at the pet store. Who knew I earned more kibbles by ignoring the stuff not given to me. I think I can get used to that rule. Just keep the kibbles coming!!
Of course, it wasn’t all work and no play, though. As with spring, it brings a short window where the river is low enough that the hoomans favourite riverbank is exposed. I’m not too sure about the water yet, but each trip there, my confidence in maneuvering the rocky bank grows more and more.
I’ve had a few sleepy days as my puppy teeth have been dropping like flies, as the hooman says, and this has made me a little sleepier as well as a little less sharky.
I look forward to the coming months of nice weather and more fun puppy outings.
Submitted by: Tiff Spenard