Hi friends! It’s me again. Mulligan! October turned out to be “family month” for me.
My half-seester Tempest (pink leash) stayed with us for a couple of weeks. She looks just like our dad, Robbie, with her light brown eyes. I look like my momma, PADS Jazz II, who has dark brown eyes. Momma Jazz even came to visit me at puppy class!!! In case you can’t tell us apart, she’s the one wearing a yellow vest.
After Tempest left, I met my newest little buddy called PADS Merritt II. He came all the way from BeeCee to live with us. My hooman thinks he’s pretty great at only 4 months old. I think he makes a pretty great pillow, so he’s allowed to stay.
P.S. Can any of the hoomans out there tell me why it takes so long to shop for water?! I prefer my water from a bowl…or my blue pool. But that’s it!
Submitted by: Karina Nickel