Nana is almost a year, it’s gone so fast, and she continues to be such a sweetheart. Nana has been social meeting up with PADS friends for walks, and we were lucky enough to run into Bill Ng, who takes amazing photos. Dory has been staying with us for a couple of weeks, and the girls have so much fun together.
We met another raiser and her dog at Ikea for a training session. We walked through twice; they were so good, plus it was too cold to train outside!
Nana spent an afternoon at the Douglas College Vet Program. They remembered her from a previous time and said they love having her. She’s really good about them taking blood and examining her.
When we first got Nana, we thought she was going to be huge as her paws were so big. However, she’s a perfect little size with lots of floof!
Submitted By: Alison Stuart