January has been a busy month, and we got some big news. Our little Nana is moving onto another raiser for a few months, and we’re getting a puppy. As sad as we are to see Nana leave us, we know Nana will be in great hands with her new raiser.

With all the snow at the beginning of January, we did some more snowshoeing, and Nana absolutely loved running in the snow, although some of it was pretty deep, and it was hard work.

We did some training at IKEA with another raiser & her dog, then met up with Nana’s brother Benji and his raiser Susan at a mall to practice some skills, which they rocked!

We spent some time at our cabin, which was bittersweet knowing this would be Nana’s last time there, but we’re so glad she was able to get there.

We’ve been meeting up with family, friends, and different PADS sitters and raisers with their dogs. Nana has made a big impact in her time with us; my husband & I have called it “the going-away tour.” We were so fortunate to have a PADS sitter who is a professional photographer @imagesbybeth.ca take some gorgeous pictures of us before Nana left us.

We picked up our new puppy Sassy on the 28th, and Nana has been incredible with her, such a good mentor and so gentle. I think it has really helped Sassy settle in, and we’re all going to miss her so much. Nana is on to new adventures getting closer to the next stage.

Submitted by: Alison