Nana is one of PADS’ Export puppies and is to go the States at some point, however, with the border being closed, we were asked if we would like to raise her since Dory was heading to Advanced Training.
We were so excited to be asked and Dory was able to mentor Nana for a short time before she left. Nana is a sweetheart, very food motivated and easy to train. I forgot how much there is to teach a puppy, so I am learning again too!

Now that we can take the dogs in public places again, we’ve started exploring.
Nana has been to the mall, grocery store, water park, playground & skateboard park. We took her to a winery where there was live music, plus she met a horse.
She has done extremely well in all of these places, especially the mall where people were lined up at every store – she walked past like they weren’t even there.

So far Nana seems pretty fearless. There’s been loud bangs, flashing lights, garbage trucks on our walks, and she has taken these all in stride. Nana is a fun little girl and loves to cuddle, we are so happy to have her and look forward to many, many more adventures. Oh and Nana has already been a hit in the neighbourhood – I think she’s met almost everyone on our block 🙂
Submitted By: Alison Stuart