Nana went to a sitter for a few days at the beginning of March. She chilled while the sitter taught piano and then she had a trip to Metrotown Mall. Nana is a great shopper! Nana also visited seniors in a care home with PADS Muse. Apparently, everyone loved the girls. How could they not! Nana & Muse were then treated with a rainy walk at Light House Park, where they burned off some energy.
Nana turned one. There was a birthday pawty for the Hollywood litter, and boy, they had fun as it was one big golden fest. Nana is definitely the smallest of the litter; however, she has a BIG personality. Of course, there were pawty hats and cake, and she was a pooped pup after all the running around. I can’t believe she’s already a year!

Nana woke up the day after her birthday looking like she was in a bar fight; her face was swollen as well as her left eye. Seems she had an allergic reaction to what PADS medical think was a bite of some kind. She was on Benedryl for a few days and, after the first day, was back to looking as cute as ever.
We’ve been doing indoor & outdoor training. Recently at Mundy Park, Nana stayed in a down while several dogs either walked by or came right up to her. She rocked it until PADS Muse came along; ok, she’s not perfect but did pretty darn good, I’d say.
Dory is still with us. Nana can be the annoying little sister, always wanting to play, but they do love each other.
Nana is loved wherever she goes. It’s such a pleasure to bring her grocery shopping, to a mall or any other errands I do. She’s a happy girl that loves to cuddle and eager to learn, she is such a sweetheart, and anyone who meets her will say that it’s not just me being biased, really!!
Submitted by: Alison Stuart