Nana had an exciting September with lots of new experiences.
We went to the Sunflower Festival in Chilliwack – she looked so cute amongst all the flowers!
My daughter got married September 12th so Nana went to a sitter for a week where she got to be with kids and run around a big yard and had great training opportunities. I wasn’t sure she’d want to come home 🙂
Nana had her maiden voyage on my girlfriend’s boat. She was a rock star, from walking on the metal grate down to the boat, getting in and out of the boat wearing a life jacket, to cruising along with the wind in her hair – she truly is from the Hollywood litter!! Nana also joined “dogs against baths” – she is proving to not be a water dog for sure.

Her training is coming along well. She’s eager and loves her food, so is always willing to train. Dory came home for a weekend and the two of them had so much fun! We went to Home Depot to check out the Hallowe’en displays. Dory was a good influence on Nana.
Now, I know she sounds perfect, but not quite. We’re working on her daytime kennelling, at which she is getting better. She also always wants to be where I am, so if I go outside, she barks. We have to have a couple of challenges!
Nana is a sweetheart and always up for new adventures.
Submitted By: Alison Stuart