I’m not gonna lie. February started out slow because I was recovering from my surgery, but I definitely made up for it when the coast was clear! My raiser and I got caught up on our training, and then I went on some adventures with some awesome new sitters for a few days. I climbed a mountain, learned about fish tanks, helped with house cleaning, got some grooming time in, went to the mall to practice duration and distractions in a down in a busy food court. Sitters were so proud of me I nailed it! I went on a long bus ride to Chinatown and enjoyed all of the sights, smells, and sounds. Lots and lots of snuggle time with these lovely people!
My raiser got me out for lots of playdates. I had a blast with my friend, Pads Lassie, at Pacific Spirit Park, where we learned about Branch Management and played nicely together. My friend PADS Wroxy and I went with our raisers to check out a brand new park that not many people know about yet. It’s an on-leash park with a nice gravel trail that winds through forests and over bridges and even had a good stump to jump on! We practiced loose leash walking, trail manners, and even some “Go Say Hi” cue in the parking lot.
It was a full month despite the slower start. Until March…
Submitted By: Caroline Lewis