This was a month to remember – my first October with my current raiser!  I was such a good girl during a walking tour in Vancouver.  I ignored tons of distractions like squirrels, kids, bikes, leaves, sticks, nuts, dogs, people and mostly just walked and chilled.

I went voting for the first time with my raiser and I got a sticker (which fell off my cape right away).  Lots of people wanted to talk to me and pet me but I only had eyes for my raiser so I earned the sticker for sure!

Another big milestone for me was with my neighbourhood girl pals.  They have helped my raiser with my training, helping me learn to not get so excited when I see people (I LOVE all people).  I did so well that my raiser got a picture of me with 3 of my girlfriends all petting me at the same time – Raiser was pretty happy and gave me lots of treats and cuddles!

I went into a chocolate factory for the first time and the staff there knew that puppies could not have chocolate so my puppy eyes did not work on them but we admired each other from afar.

As the month closed I went to one of my favourite PADS sitters and we went for amazing walks in the rain at Pacific Spirit Park where we met up with some of my PADS puppy friends.  I don’t mind walking in the rain, especially when I get to see my favourite pups and peeps!  I spent Halloween there and Sitter described her neighbourhood like a war zone, there were so many noisy bangs and whistles.  I was startled at first but with a couple of treats and some cuddles I just ignored them for the rest of the night and had fun with my sitter.

Submitted By: Caroline Lewis