In October the weather changed drastically and I enjoyed it all (well maybe not wearing my banana-coloured raincoat so much). My raiser and I spent every weekend visiting the most important people in my life so far, family and friends both hooman and PADS puppies. We went to the beach, to my favourite dog park, a big meet-up from our supportive PADS friends and I had a little mini-vacay with my favourite PADS sitter who took me on many adventures. I also spent a lot of time training and playing with my best friend PADS Wroxy and my brothers PADS Comox and PADS Hardy since all of us are going to Uni together!
It’s been an unbelievable journey so far and I am grateful for everyone who supported me along the way including: PADS trainers and staff, my sponsor, my raiser’s friends and families, the PADS villagers, my puppy classmates and my very special PADS Vancouver Island litter family. Whatever my destiny is I’ve felt supported , cared for and loved every step of the way!
Submitted by: Caroline Lewis