This month my raiser was on holiday for two weeks, but I didn’t take a holiday from my training! I was with a fabulous PADS sitter who kept me engaged both in my yellow vest and out of it. My life is always a good balance of training, having fun and getting good rest.
This month I focused on tweaking a few of my cues like “Go In” and the all-important “Here.” I have really good recall, which I know will be important to my future person. I went on a lot of outings to grocery stores, shops, taking my hooman to vote, going out for coffee ( and ignoring the food on the floor – hoomans can be very messy LOL), the hair salon (for literally hours) and I’m getting so good at settling and ignoring distractions. I also had some supaw fun playdates with some PADS friends and some pet friends.
All in all, it was a great month!
Submitted by: Caroline Lewis