We are excited to welcome Pal II to our advanced training crew! Pal is a fun guy who loves to play with his toys and lounge on his bed. His raisers have done an amazing job with Pal, and they should be very proud of him as he is a true credit to their love and dedication to raising exceptional assistance dogs. Pal is settling in with the rest of the team and loves that he gets to train and play with his new classmates. A big thank you to team Pal! We are excited to see where his path will take him.

  • Skills being learned: Movement skills, Chin targeting, Shaping
  • Recent Field Trips: Cold Garden, Petland, Restuarant
  • Possible behavior challenges: Struggles to settle, Motivated by other dogs
  • Advanced training location: Calgary

Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Pal II!

Submitted by: Evelyn, Instructors assistant