What an unusual month. I was sent to (different) dog-sitters at the beginning of the month (5 days), and again at the end of the month (5 days). Something about my human going to activities not suitable for a dog 😛 That’s ok…I had fun with new people and experiences, everyone enjoyed the break!

I had a few highlights with my raiser this month. I got to have a playdate with my sister, Sable! We had so much fun together. It was my first off-leash experience in a backyard! I went on my first road trip; the entire family went to Whistler for the day. I experienced my first trail walk and suspension bridge…lady raiser wasn’t a fan of the bridge, but I ROCKED IT!

I had my 4 month old Walk & Talk with my PADS teachers, Heather & Jackie. They said I’m doing well, but gave my human some suggestions on how to help me settle and be CALM. Also I’m still not very good in restaurants, there are just so many people, noises, and FOOD!

I went to my first dog park. Raiser isn’t so sure about this though…my recall isn’t good, and some of the bigger dogs were too rough with me. I still get to visit the park early in the morning before any other dogs show up. Human says i listen a lot better without the distractions. Go figure!

Well, August is over, and the human kids are going back to school. And human will be taking me into the office more often…she’s hoping i stop barking there…we’ll see 😛

Submitted by: Tracey M-L