Happy New Year, friends! This is it…my final pupdate with my raiser. 🙁

I had my final assessment/walk & talk with Jackie in early January, and it turns out that I’m moving to Advanced Training! Raiser is pretty shocked by this turn of events, but I’m a pretty food-motivated individual, and I can be super energetic (a.k.a. jumpy), and did I mention I love treats?

In preparation for this new chapter, I also had to visit the vet to get spayed. The recovery was not fun, and I really wasn’t feeling well with my sitter. However, I’ve recovered nicely, and I’m almost ready for a last playdate at the park with my neighbourhood dog friends.

Raiser went on a sunny vacation without me, and I had to stay with 2 sitters while my people were away. I was a pretty good houseguest, according to the sitter reports. 🙂 And now, I’m enjoying a last week of snuggles with my family before I move to Calgary.

Pearl (& Raiser lady Tracey) signing off! MWAH!!!!

Submitted by: Tracey