Hi friends!
October started out as a quiet month… I was still in heat, so I kept things close to home and very low-key. I did get an exciting live class at the Vancouver Aquarium that I enjoyed very much. I was mostly excited to see my PADS friends…I didn’t really care about the aquarium animals…they’re boring. Raiser had me on the 2-handle leash because I was doing a lot of pulling and had a hard time focusing. But my teachers have said they do see an improvement in my behaviour!!
I also went to my raiser’s office TWICE this month! The people there have really missed seeing me, so it was nice to greet them all. Raiser says she’ll take me a bit more often next month so that I have some new experiences.
And the most exciting experience is the new dog park in our neighbourhood. I can FINALLY be off-leash and socialize with other 4 legged friends! A lot of them I regularly see on our walk, but raiser won’t let me play on-leash 😛 So now, when the weather is decent, the raiser and I take the kiddo to school, and then I get some free time to play with friends before I have to settle down at home for the raiser lady to do her work. Win-win!!!!
p.s. I also had my first pet store bath this month…apparently, after my 2nd heat, I smelled pretty bad. Honestly, I don’t know what the raiser’s talking about…?!
Submitted by: Pearl