Hi friends!

I started September with some exciting activities…my humans took me on a couple of road trips!

My first activity was a day trip to the Squamish Sea-to-Sky Gondola and then up to Whistler. At the gondola, I had to check in with Guest Services to get my fancy green “VIP” tag, and then without any hesitation, I hopped on the ride and enjoyed the view. I enjoyed walking along the trails with my people, and human liked it because it was dog-free…so I was more focused than usual. Despite walking around for 1.5 hours, I had a hard time settling at lunchtime. I like to be with people, and there were so many of them around! But once I lay down, human just lets me be…even though I wasn’t tucked in properly. I also got to walk around Whistler village for a bit…it was pretty hot that day, and the kids were a bit cranky, so we left after a couple of hours.

The very next day, we went to the Chilliwack Sunflower Festival! After a relatively dog-free experience the day before, this was the opposite. Everyone brought their dogs to see the sunflowers, so raiser had their hands full this time. On the upside, I had lots of photo opportunities!

Luckily I got 2 fun days out, because a week later, I went into heat and have been in lockdown ever since!

Submitted by: Pearl