August was a really big month for me. My raiser says that things will slow down in the Fall though. 

We got to have a lot more in-person puppy classes. It’s a new challenge being around all the other PADS dogs so much, and I get really excited, but I learn a lot, and it has helped me (and my raiser) make lots of progress with my training. We started using a Halti for my training. I don’t like it, but my raiser and the trainer tell me that it is going to help me learn to be a really good assistance dog. It’s already helped, and I’m getting much better at ignoring all the tasty surprised we walk by on the street. 

My raiser took me to the BC SPCA Summer Camps to share my PADS journey. We showed them some of my skills like “perch,” “jump-on,” “sit,” “down,” and “wait.” I also got to play a fun distraction game with the kids and got lots of treats in my bowl and from my raiser. It was a fun new experience to be the one in the teacher’s seat. 

We got to do a few extra fun things in August. I got to try really delicious treats from Gabi & Jules that help support PADS. I went with my raiser and some of her coworkers to donate blood with Blood Services Canada. This was hard because there were lots of funny smells, but the nurses well all really nice and understanding; they helped pick things up off the ground so I couldn’t eat them while my raiser was donating. Finally, I got to go to a lake! Have you been to a lake? It’s the best! My raiser got me a nice lifejacket so that I could jump in the water after her and her friends. There were lots of really big sticks, so big I could stand on them! 

Submitted by: Siobhan