Hello, hi there friends! Pickles here with my monthly pupdate. We know we missed a couple, but please forgive my raiser, as it’s been really hectic around here.
I spent a few days with sitters this month because my raiser had lots of work and went on a trip with her family. Spending time with sitters is always fun because I get to experience new things, a new pace, new toys, and LOTS of new smells. It’s the best!
I love my in-person puppy classes. It can be hard to not get distracted by classmates, but we do lots of fun activities and gets lots of treats. My raiser says she’s really proud of my progress in class, even if I get the zoomies when we get home.
Sometimes learning to be an assistance dog can be a lot. We took a break from time in my cape this month to help me de-stress and switched it out for more sniffing time on walks. It’s been good for me to relax, and it helped me have better naps when having quiet time at home. We’re working more cape time back into my schedule, and my raiser says I’m doing a really good job of remembering my loose leash walking and relaxing in public.
I still have a lot of work to do, but I love learning, especially when I get extra kibble and treats.
Submitted by: Siobhan