Poblano had a lot of new experiences this month. He had his first babysitting experience out in Hope. His human missed him but was also encouraged to hear how well he was doing and was so proud of how well behaved he was. He also had his first field trip to Home Depot and was able to shop for both Halloween AND Christmas at the same time. It was so exciting to see all those furry PADS friends at the same time. Poblano also had his first puppy party in South Surrey and had so much fun playing and chasing other Pads puppies and graduates to the advanced program. In spite of all the excitement and noise, I came right to my human called me ….she had some extra delicious treats and was so very pleased with my excellent recall. Poblano loves kids, but on Friday, October 29, the students at school looked really weird, and when I went nighttime walking with my human’s grandkids, they were a whole lot of strange-looking creatures. I even saw a dinosaur walking around. I thought they were extinct. My human was so pleased that I didn’t seem scared at all with all the noise, lights and distractions. She seemed really proud of me. I can’t wait to see what the next month will bring. 

Submitted by: Sheila