With May, came the sunshine and more outdoor outings for Radar! Radar loves his long walks in the neighbourhood with the kids on Thursdays. He loves watching his teenagers and adults friends play ultimate frisbee on grass (he also loves the geese’ poops!). What does he love more after his long adventures? A good nap in his kennel.
We are still working on being calm around other dogs. Radar LOVES his furry friends. Also, Radar being a full teenager now, needs to remember that marking is not meant to be done in our building elevator or at Pet Smart; oopsies!
On a personal note, he became the best workout buddy I’ve ever had. He is so calm during my workouts, he doesn’t bark anymore and he gives me little kisses every time I have rest time. It is the best to have him with me for those moments!
Submitted by: Marie-Eve Beauchemin