WHEW! December was a big month for Reef (and me). For a first, Reef accompanied me to the hairdresser!!!! Never before, not with three previous PADS pups have I been confident enough (of myself, of the pup) to take it to the hairdresser: Reef sat and watched the cut, the shampoo, the blow-dry (photo, for sure!).
Other outings included a pup class at a hockey rink; a concert at UBC; a Christmas Party with other PADS pups at an indoor parking lot (dressed up!); buying a Christmas tree from TREK with students eager to say ‘Hi,’ (photo); many trips to Save-on-Foods & post offices & hairdresser AND, for Reef’s 5-month birthday, to the GOH “Nutcracker” Ballet at the QE Theatre (photo).
I ordered a special ‘reading chair’ from Amazon to be more comfortable on the floor during puppy yoga, but Reef thought the comfortable, cushioned chair was for him! (photo).
Yes, of course, Reef enjoyed the snow–but not sitting down in it for very long. January resolutions: a better grasp for “Go in” + transit–car rides are very secure, so it’s onward with buses and trains and boats. We’ll see… OH, yes, a walk & talk was fun–for the first time for me; Reef ‘performed’ very well, too!
Submitted by: Sandra