It’s me! Renegade! June is my favourite month. When I am good all day, my human brings me to the river to swim… needless to say, I have spent nearly every evening at the river swimming. I am also getting really good at paddleboarding too. My humans go on lots of adventures, so I do too!
Puppy classes are going well, and I am right where I am supposed to be. I get called a good girl a lot, and my human says she’s proud of me when we get in the car to leave. I always feel so proud wearing my vest. I still drool a lot, and sometimes I get it all over my face when I shake, I asked my human to attach a photo for you. A stick is calling me from the river, so I have to go, I’ll catch you next month!
xoxo, Renegade
Submitted by: Rhea & Alex