Lilo in her vest, lying down looking at camera with her front paws crossed.
April in Rolo’s world…
Spring arrives and Rolo’s eyes have been opened up to many new things.
He goes to work every day and spends time with coworkers who just adore him.
On his walks, he watches skateboarders buzz by with ease, meets many new dogs and just by chance came across a horse that just happened to be in the park.
Rolo was super curious and very brave. Now, in his mind he just needs to grow a little more to be able meet his new friend face to face…
May has been a great month for Rolo. He is having fun and is not afraid to try anything.ย He loves to help prune the flowers and shrubs even when they don’t really need it. ย He spent 2 weeks with his sitter and her family. At Donna’s house he learned to shake a paw and that counter surfing is not the way get what he wants.
Rolo is very friendly and a super handsome guy. He gets lots of attention in the community and loves to see the regulars at Starbucks.ย He now has a sponsor, which he hopes will be very proud of his successes. Rolo likes to watch the kids play baseball and is now really awesome in the car.ย This month he went swimming for the first time and has become a frequent shopper at the farmer’s markets.

Submitted By: Puppy-Raiser Tara Dong