
Russet is 17 months old now and has matured quite a bit in the past month. He is eager to work and loves to play with his new sister, a 15-month old yellow lab named Maui. Russet has been a great role model and has helped her settle in and learn our routines. Russet also got to play with other PADS puppies at a de-stressing event for victim services workers. He was attentive to me, offering positive behaviours like β€œdown” and β€œon your bed,” and interacted nicely with the people and puppies when I told him to β€œgo play.”

At puppy class, Russet has been learning to offer behaviours such as putting his nose through a ring. A clicker is used to capture movement in the right direction, and then he is rewarded with a treat. This is practice for putting on his vest for the β€œdress” command.

Submitted By: Karina Nickel