Wow, has April been a busy month! I moved to a new raiser, and I am learning new things and building on my skills. My new raiser’s house has 2 cats, which is new for me as I have never lived with cats before, so I have had to practice my manners when around them. I also have a new dog sister, PADS released Rocket. She is older and wiser than me. I go to work with my raiser, who works at an elementary school. This has been a new experience for me, and I enjoy seeing all the students every day. My raiser and I were interviewed by Ms. Wauthier, Grade 1 & 2 students, who wrote stories and poems about me! I also went to Fernie this month and enjoyed long walks and the dog park, and the best part was playing with PADS Ranger, who was there with his family! This month I am working on my loose leash walking and trying to not be distracted by other dogs.
Submitted by: Vivianne, Andrew & Julia Carroll