
Saxon Dec 2015 Saxon under Christmas Tree adjHi Everyone!

It’s been a busy, busy time for me since I became a BOSS DOG!Β  Seems everybody wants to get to know me!

I’ve been out to a Beaver/Cub unit with Harrison and Enzo to give a presentation about Assistance Dogs.Β  I’ve been to an Elementary School with Sherman, Enzo, Delray and Harrison to do another presentation.Β  I’ve been to Mount Royal University and Bow Valley College for de-stressing during exams.Β  I’ve been to two Calgary Parrot Head Club Parties.Β  Every week we go to church where I know every one of the Sunday School Children by name.Β  We also go to the off-leash parks to run and play, and jump onto tall rocks – I like that!Β  Our busy PADS schedule wrapped up with a Christmas Party at the home of our dear PADS friend, Verne Trevoy.

But now I have important news to share!

I am going to go live with a different puppy-raiser!Β  My new people are avid skiers and love the outdoors – they go to Fernie a LOT and I will get to go with them and play in the snow all winter, and run on the trails in the summer!Β  I so love to run!Β  One of them works in an office in a tower downtown, so I will get to go on the bus and C-Train to work!Β  And they have a forever dog living there too, so I will always have a buddy to play with.Β  I will get to go there for Christmas, so this is a super present just for me!Β  I can’t wait!

Submitted by our PADS Puppy-in-Training,Β Saxon, and her Volunteer Puppy Raisers, Wendy & Peter Proudlock.