We are so excited to welcome Scamper into advanced training! Scamper arrived at advanced training at the beginning of the month and has started to settle in. She is a super sweet girl who loves to be close to her people. Her puppy raisers have worked hard because she has impressive skills.! We have spent most of the time just building a relationship and getting to know each other. We are now keeping it light and letting her settle in before things get a bit harder.

  • Skills being Learned: Movement skills, general obedience, loose leash walking, doorways/thresholds
  • Recent Field Trips: St Albert Centre, Canadian Tire, Homes Alive
  • Possible Behaviour Challenges: Can be vocal when frustrated or unsure, quite olfactory, has some scavenging tendencies
  • Advanced Training Location: Calgary

We’re so grateful for your ongoing support of Advanced Dog Scamper!

Submitted by: Amy, Advanced Trainer