Shasta has been a happy, confident puppy since day one of puppy raising. She has integrated easily into our East Van home of three adults and two dogs. Shasta stands by the door to tell us that she has to go to the bathroom and is working on her BGs in places where interesting smells sometimes distract her from her toileting. Her LLW is coming along and is best when distractions are limited, and she is in a calm state. Shasta has accompanied me to the dentist (twice!), physiotherapist, two breweries, on the SkyTrain, several restaurants, a middle school classroom, a school pep rally, an after-school program for boys, a golf course, the Vancouver Airport, and numerous grocery stores. She travelled with me to and from Okanagan. Shasta tolerates loud noises, and car rides very well. We are working on ignoring dogs in public, limiting barking when bored, and staying off the couch.
Submitted by: Lisa Heiberg