Shasta is officially a teenager! She is still a lovely and sweet girl, but has been a little resistant to rules and training these days. It is as though she has just realized that there is a big, interesting world out there that she wants to explore. Shasta took advantage of the nice fall weather to go on several long hikes in Squamish and Port Moody. Then we went to the Okanagan where she went CRAZY in the snow. Shasta loves water in any form, but to her, snow is the best!
Midway through the month, Shasta began her first heat cycle. – we think. Her heat signs were quite subtle and will be confirmed when she goes to the vet for hormone testing next week. Being in heat cramped her style a little as she had to be on leash at all times, couldn’t wear her cape in public, and had to hang out at home a little bit more. We are using this quiet time to double up her training sessions at home. She is getting very good at perching, nose touches, and sitting close when I walk and stop.
Shasta spent a weekend with our young grandchildren and was very patient and sweet with them. Shasta and the kids enjoyed being in her crate together pretending they were puppies.
Submitted by: Lisa Heiberg