I just have so much to share with everyone, where to begin? I left my raisers (mom & dad) in Calgary back in January and from there, I came to stay with Auntie Laura for a while so that I could pass all my important tests to become a mother. At the end of February, I got to meet PADS Roma whom I’d heard about in Calgary cuz she’s from there too. Turns out she’s had 5 litters of puppies and I know a whole bunch of them cuz they were in school with me so how cool is that! Roma filled me in on all the important stuff like being bred (my first date), having babies, going to work, and just being a responsible adult. I went for a slumber party to Roma’s house and then she gave me the seal of approval so I moved in with her and her pawrents Marie & Jocelyn.

Life got pretty busy after that cuz I was going to work every day, got bred, got pregnant and all of a sudden, I had babies in my belly and then they were in my bed with me! Some yellows and black ones too, seven in all and they’re cute and silly just like me! Now here I am, “mama Sierra” they call me, and they say I’m quite a fabulous mother. It’s a pretty good gig since I get a lot more food (a most important thing to a Lab), I get to play with my puppies all day and they’re like real-life squeaky toys but I also do some really important things like teaching them manners, making them feel safe when they hear loud noises or mamas put the crazy brush on their teeth and of course I’m teaching them to respect their elders.

I think my babies are gonna be superstars like me and Roma one day and change lots of people’s lives. Thanks, everybody for helping me on my journey.

Kisses and nibbles,
Sierra II