So PADS Village, whatever it was that was going on last month is still going on now.  My hooman and I haven’t been to BACCI for a class in, like, forever!!! And that’s the only time I get to meet up with my brothers and sisters, so I’m really missing them a lot.  I want to make an official declaration:  pandemics suck!!!

On the plus side, my hooman is taking me out a lot.  Lately we’ve been going to places where there are lots of people, dogs, bikes and crazy kids on boards with wheels.  He says it’s “high distraction”!!  I say it’s “fun to watch”.  And sometimes I want to join in, but I’m not allowed.


I’m also trying to get used to hanging out under chairs and tables, but I gotta tell you, it’s not a lot of fun.  Especially when my hooman is sitting at the table, eating, but not sharing!!!  What’s that about???

I also spend a lot of time in my kennel – sometimes for 2 – 3 hours at a time, 2 or 3 times a week.  When my hooman comes back, he’s all sweaty and red in the face like he used to be when he took me to his gym.  I’m not sure what he’s up to, but I sure enjoy the peace and quiet being in the kennel on my own!!

Submitted By: Kevin Hisko