Well that was another strange month. It started with a visit to SPCA. My hooman dropped me off early in the morning and didn’t come back to get me until much later that day. I don’t remember much of what happened, but I didn’t like it very much, and I felt kinda strange when I got home. Like something was missing. The worst part was the funny hood he made me wear – it was a little humiliating, but I got over it.

The weather wasn’t very nice either -although I don’t mind the rain as much as I used to. Plus, I got some new toys to play with when I’m inside. There was a special tray where my hooman tried to hide my food, but I’m too smart for that. I figured it out right away. My favourite is the mat that is smeared with peanut butter – I could lick that all day. Sometimes I chew on it instead, though, and then my hooman takes it away.

My hooman spent some time with Jackie from PADS, and now my hooman and I are working on some new cues – like “nice”, which means I’m going to get lots of treats if I can just remember to pay attention to him!! I’m also getting a lot more R&R than I used to, which I don’t mind at all!!!

Submitted by: Kevin Hisko