Whew!! What a month that was. There was a whirlwind of activities and I loved every minute of it – mostly!
I got to spend a lot of time with other “hooman sitters”, that’s always so much fun. I especially like when they have another pup to play with, like PADS Tommy, my new BFF. Any time I get to visit with hooman Sharon I know that we’ll do something new and exciting.
I didn’t get to Pacific Spirit Park much this month. My hooman says it was because of the rain and the mud. I don’t understand – the rain and mud are THE BEST. We did get to the beach of few times, so that almost makes up for it!
One new thing that we have been doing in February was “de-stress” events. I’m still not sure if I like those or not. They may be “de-stressing” for the hoomans, but sometimes a guy just needs a break from all that interaction. Fortunately my hooman knows when I’ve had enough. He always gives me lots of treats and a nice walk for sniffing when we’re done.
Now . . . let’s see what we can do for March!
Submitted By: Kevin Hisko