Hold on!!! What just happened there??!! It seems like I just lay down to have a nap, and wham, it’s February!!! So this means I’ve got another Pupdate due to you guys!
So my hooman tells me I’m doing pretty good but that I’ve got to get my nose off the ground. He says I’ve got to stop sniffing around so much. I mean . . . he does know I’m a dog, doesn’t he??
And if he’s so anxious to have me stop sniffing around, why is he always taking me to places where there are soooo many amazing smells and scents? Like the street! Or the sidewalk! Or near that fire hydrant? I mean, come on, hooman – if you take me to where the smells are – well, a dog’s gonna sniff!!!
But we’re having some fun as well. We made some Seabus trips in January, which I really liked. The engine makes the whole boat vibrate a little bit, and I can feel it in my belly when I lie down. And he’s been taking me to Stanley Park a lot to watch him run around in circles – which is just silly if you ask me. He wouldn’t let me out of the car the last few times – he was worried about the coyotes in the neighbourhood.
Oh – and he told me he messed up with some of the training we’ve been doing!! Apparently, “heel” means I go to his left side, and “side” means I go to his right side!! Who knew!!?? I was just following the hand that I knew was going to treat me. So it’s “back to basics” for me, he says. So tell me this . . . if he messed up, why am I going back to basics!!??
P.S. The pics are from Terry Fox Pavillion (where I like to hang out with the skateboarder dudes) and UBC!
Submitted by: Kevin